Photo above: Cliff above Leg Lake where Pete Absolon was killed

Molly Absolon never thought her life deserved a memoir. She and her husband Pete and their daughter Avery lived a happy, relatively uneventful outdoorsy life in Wyoming. Molly wrote to pay the bills. But then a tragic accident shattered that life, leaving Molly to navigate a brave new world as a single mom. Words helped her through her grief and anger. Read more about Molly and the insights she gained through her writing here.


Throwing Stones

Molly Absolon's forthcoming memoir explores her journey through grief and anger after the tragic death of her husband. Pete was climbing in the Wind River mountains when a hiker threw a rock from above, killing Pete instantly. Molly struggled with a sense of injustice and a desire for vengeance until gradually  she found solace and healing through beauty, nature and friends. Her memoir maps this path to redemption.